From an interview with Thomas Condon
Intuition is a lot like dreaming. We don't know how we do it, but we do it. Intuition is knowing something - but not knowing how you know it.
Intuitive knowledge comes to us spontaneously and directly, without the use of reason or logical thought.
Some people trust their intuition - they "believe" in it, and act on it. Example : you bypass a parking space because you "know" there will be a space closer to where you're going.
Others deny intuitive information, or distrust it as "irrational." But most of us can recall an instance when we ignored a "feeling" or "hunch" about someone or something - and later regretted it.
Knowing how to cultivate your intuition can help in every aspect of our lives. So, to help our readers get ahead, we spoke to the expert in this area, Thomas Condon. His insights:
Intuition can be loosely defined as the ability to synthesize and make deductions from all of our accumulated unconscious experience.
Most of the information we use in our daily lives is unconscious. We "know" much more than we realize.
Example: Which way doors open - in or out. Our senses provide us with ongoing information that never reaches our conscious awareness, unless we turn our attention to it.
Similarly, intuitive information comes to us through our senses.
Examples : Some people get a "gut feeling" about things.Others hear "a little voice," "see the light" or see "a fleeting image." Still others sense good or bad "vibrations."
Those who learn to "tune in" to their intuition find it a useful tool in their personal and professional lives.
Increasing Intuition
We can expand our intuitive capacities, like any other of our physical or mental capabilities, with training and exercise. The process :
1. Evoke, or awaken, our intuitive capacity, by identifying our personal intuitive messages.
2. Focus our intuition on practical outcomes ... improved relationships, confident decision-making, clear goal-setting, increased creativity and productivity, correct judging and forecasting.
Your Personal Intuitive Style
In my research and workshops, I have learned that each person experiences intuition in a different, highly individual way.
* Identify your intuitive style by remembering times you just "knew" something. Try to relive the experience. How does such information come to you? Do you see, hear or feel it? Is it loud and clear? Niggling and vague? Intuitive images, voices or feelings tend to have a consistent source. Examples:
"Suddenly the big picture flashes before my eyes".
"I feel a sense of sureness in my stomach - a 'grounded' feeling."
"I hear my own voice inside my head."
"I literally feel pulled in one direction."
"I get a feeling in my chest that something 'wants out'."
Object: Learn where to look, listen, or turn your attention when you want intuitive information.
Exercise: Hone in on the part of yourself that transmits intuitive information - the voice in your ear, the screen in your mind, the feeling in your chest and belly. Pose clear "Yes or no" questions and be receptive to the responses you get.
Result: The bridge between your conscious, active awareness and your unconscious is strengthened.
You will find that intuitive information is readily available - even if you are highly skeptical at first. Your "inner translator" will become more clear and accessible with more practice.
Skeptics seem to respond especially well to intuition exercises.
Reasons: Underutilized intuition often seems to blossom when it is cultivated. Skeptics don't "believe" in intuition, so they can play with the exercises free of any expectations, judgments or defenses. They react with surprise and delight when it works.
To Improve Your Intuition
* Notice when you are being intuitive, and squeeze one hand with the other. Purpose: To create an association response so you can learn to access your intuition by squeezing your hand.
* Learn your physical intuitive habits. Do your eyes move in a particular way ? Do you have a characteristic posture or facial expression ? Gestures or actions ? Assume these motions to access intuitive information.
* Practise maintaining an open-minded, playful, experimental, non-judgmental attitude.
* Daydream, doodle, brainstorm, and write down words or phrases that come to you when problem-solving.
* Practice making wild guesses. Examples : What a salespersons's name is, what a new person or place will look like, who is calling on the phone. Imagine laughing when you are wrong about insignificant facts. Purpose : To free you to make wild guesses
* Listen to your "inner dialogue."
* Make positive suggestions to yourself ... pose positive, specific questions to your intuition.
* Take up rhythmic exercise such as swimming, yoga or t'ai chi. Also helpful : self hypnosis, meditation.
When seeking intuitive information about yourself or others ... relax and get comfortable. Quiet your inner dialogue and look past the inner images that run through your mind. Focus your attention on the "blank screen" behind them. Immerse yourself in the activity of receiving the information that comes.
Observation exercises : In restaurants, on trains, shopping, etc., practise noticing non-verbal behavior in others ... posture shifts, hand motions, vocal tone or tempo. Guess how your subjects are feeling or what they are talking about.
And have fun ! Some people may believe that their intuition only works in tragic or exceptional circumstances. But that is like saying we only use our common sense in emergencies. Intuition, like common sense, is with us all of the time - if we are willing to use it.
From: Privileged Information - the Newsletter of Innovation
Thomas Condon gives workshops and in-house consultations at various locations around the country. If you are interested in sponsoring an event in your area, please call or write The Changeworks for details.
What Is Intuition?
A human being's ability to think beyond the five senses is something that has always fascinated me. Have you had feelings of having a certain power to foretell things before it happened or had this gut feeling that what you're doing is not right?
I ‘know' because I've gone through it. Sure there have been many instances where I have ignored such feelings and ended up in trouble. They say "hindsight is 20/20 vision," and know I know that it was because I had no real knowledge about intuition; I had no way to accurately understand and interpret the signals that my intuition was sending to me.
As I've developed my intuition further, I've started to consider the possibility that we all born with intuition. The only thing that varies is our natural alignment and awareness of our intuition.
On this hub, we'll explore some of the ways you can develop your intuition more effectively.
I ‘know' because I've gone through it. Sure there have been many instances where I have ignored such feelings and ended up in trouble. They say "hindsight is 20/20 vision," and know I know that it was because I had no real knowledge about intuition; I had no way to accurately understand and interpret the signals that my intuition was sending to me.
As I've developed my intuition further, I've started to consider the possibility that we all born with intuition. The only thing that varies is our natural alignment and awareness of our intuition.
On this hub, we'll explore some of the ways you can develop your intuition more effectively.
Unlock Your Intuition
Awakening Intuition Through Left / Right Brain Integration
Here's one simple (yet surprisingly challenging) brain exercise that you probably haven't heard of nor tried before.
As you know we have two parts to our brain, the left side and the right. The left part of our brain usually does the verbal, analytical, rational and all the logical tasks. When it comes to planning, doing systematic work, and all sorts of serious work, it is our left-brain that plays the dominant role. The right-brain on the other hand is good at identifying nonverbal cues, etc. It is the right-brain that is more creative and intuitive.
So if you want to encourage your right-brain to work more than the left, then you must intentionally find ways for the two halves to connect. One such way is to draw. Yes... drawing, but not in a way that you're typically accustomed to. Instead, you must draw with your non-dominant hand while looking at pictures that are upside down.
I know this sounds a bit crazy, but bear with me...
The rationality of this is that you put the left-brain into a confused state, leaving space for the right-brain to get more active and play the dominant role. Have you ever heard somebody say that the best way to solve a problem is just to sleep on it? Well, when your left-brain gets too tired of this whole confusing upside-down thing, it will give up on the task and let the right brain get involved.
As you continue with this exercise (frustrating as it may be), eventually solutions will seem to appear out of "thin air." These solutions are coming from your intuition - from a place where wisdom, knowledge, ideas, and creation all merge together. For many people, this is a place that many of us never even knew existed.
To help with this exercise, I've placed an upside-down image below that you can try drawing. :)
As you know we have two parts to our brain, the left side and the right. The left part of our brain usually does the verbal, analytical, rational and all the logical tasks. When it comes to planning, doing systematic work, and all sorts of serious work, it is our left-brain that plays the dominant role. The right-brain on the other hand is good at identifying nonverbal cues, etc. It is the right-brain that is more creative and intuitive.
So if you want to encourage your right-brain to work more than the left, then you must intentionally find ways for the two halves to connect. One such way is to draw. Yes... drawing, but not in a way that you're typically accustomed to. Instead, you must draw with your non-dominant hand while looking at pictures that are upside down.
I know this sounds a bit crazy, but bear with me...
The rationality of this is that you put the left-brain into a confused state, leaving space for the right-brain to get more active and play the dominant role. Have you ever heard somebody say that the best way to solve a problem is just to sleep on it? Well, when your left-brain gets too tired of this whole confusing upside-down thing, it will give up on the task and let the right brain get involved.
As you continue with this exercise (frustrating as it may be), eventually solutions will seem to appear out of "thin air." These solutions are coming from your intuition - from a place where wisdom, knowledge, ideas, and creation all merge together. For many people, this is a place that many of us never even knew existed.
To help with this exercise, I've placed an upside-down image below that you can try drawing. :)
Awakening Intuition Through Left / Right Brain Integration
Here's one simple (yet surprisingly challenging) brain exercise that you probably haven't heard of nor tried before.
As you know we have two parts to our brain, the left side and the right. The left part of our brain usually does the verbal, analytical, rational and all the logical tasks. When it comes to planning, doing systematic work, and all sorts of serious work, it is our left-brain that plays the dominant role. The right-brain on the other hand is good at identifying nonverbal cues, etc. It is the right-brain that is more creative and intuitive.
So if you want to encourage your right-brain to work more than the left, then you must intentionally find ways for the two halves to connect. One such way is to draw. Yes... drawing, but not in a way that you're typically accustomed to. Instead, you must draw with your non-dominant hand while looking at pictures that are upside down.
I know this sounds a bit crazy, but bear with me...
The rationality of this is that you put the left-brain into a confused state, leaving space for the right-brain to get more active and play the dominant role. Have you ever heard somebody say that the best way to solve a problem is just to sleep on it? Well, when your left-brain gets too tired of this whole confusing upside-down thing, it will give up on the task and let the right brain get involved.
As you continue with this exercise (frustrating as it may be), eventually solutions will seem to appear out of "thin air." These solutions are coming from your intuition - from a place where wisdom, knowledge, ideas, and creation all merge together. For many people, this is a place that many of us never even knew existed.
To help with this exercise, I've placed an upside-down image below that you can try drawing. :)

As you know we have two parts to our brain, the left side and the right. The left part of our brain usually does the verbal, analytical, rational and all the logical tasks. When it comes to planning, doing systematic work, and all sorts of serious work, it is our left-brain that plays the dominant role. The right-brain on the other hand is good at identifying nonverbal cues, etc. It is the right-brain that is more creative and intuitive.
So if you want to encourage your right-brain to work more than the left, then you must intentionally find ways for the two halves to connect. One such way is to draw. Yes... drawing, but not in a way that you're typically accustomed to. Instead, you must draw with your non-dominant hand while looking at pictures that are upside down.
I know this sounds a bit crazy, but bear with me...
The rationality of this is that you put the left-brain into a confused state, leaving space for the right-brain to get more active and play the dominant role. Have you ever heard somebody say that the best way to solve a problem is just to sleep on it? Well, when your left-brain gets too tired of this whole confusing upside-down thing, it will give up on the task and let the right brain get involved.
As you continue with this exercise (frustrating as it may be), eventually solutions will seem to appear out of "thin air." These solutions are coming from your intuition - from a place where wisdom, knowledge, ideas, and creation all merge together. For many people, this is a place that many of us never even knew existed.
To help with this exercise, I've placed an upside-down image below that you can try drawing. :)
More Resources for Developing Your Intuition
There's actually a lot of resources to help develop your intuition. One of my challenges is that discovering intuition has been primarily about trial and error. Like I mentioned before, it's taken me almost a decade just to start taking my intuition seriously, but one thing that has helped me is just going with the flow, and you can read more about that here:
Developing Intuition By Going With the Flow
Fortunately, intuition is finding more and more applications in our lives, and people are taking it more seriously. There's entire programs devoted just to using intuition in business. The real challenge is finding out which intuition development programs are the most effective, and also which ones are realistic, practical, and aligned for where we are uniquely at in our journeys.
For example, if you want to explore more left / right brain integration, then be sure to check out The Monroe Institute or Holosync. Both of these programs use audio technologies to easily connect the left and right brains.
Another program that I am currently exploring is called Intuition Zone. I'm only part-way through the program, but so far it has been really helpful for me and I'm looking forward to exploring it further.
Developing Intuition By Going With the Flow
Fortunately, intuition is finding more and more applications in our lives, and people are taking it more seriously. There's entire programs devoted just to using intuition in business. The real challenge is finding out which intuition development programs are the most effective, and also which ones are realistic, practical, and aligned for where we are uniquely at in our journeys.
For example, if you want to explore more left / right brain integration, then be sure to check out The Monroe Institute or Holosync. Both of these programs use audio technologies to easily connect the left and right brains.
Another program that I am currently exploring is called Intuition Zone. I'm only part-way through the program, but so far it has been really helpful for me and I'm looking forward to exploring it further.
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